Order issues
Do I need an account to place an order?
Yes. An email address is all you need to register for a thetopamark account. You can then start adding your favorite items to your shopping cart and get them delivered to your doorstep.
Can I cancel or make changes to my order?
After placing an order, your items will be quickly prepared for dispatch.

If you change your mind before shipping, you can cancel orders by:
Click the "Orders" icon and go to your order page.
Find the order you want to cancel and enter its detail page.
Click "Cancel Order" at the bottom.
Submit your cancellation request
Once your request has been accepted, please allow up to 7 business days for the refund to appear in your account. If you want to cancel or change the order after the item being dispatched, please contact our customer service as soon as possible.
Does thetopmark charge shipping fees?
Some items on thetopmark are shipped free of charge, and some require additional shipping fees. Shipping charges vary based on your destination and the products you have selected. Before your purchase, please refer to the actual shipping fee in the delivery option on the product detail page or that included in your order details.
Do I have to pay shipping if I order items from a local warehouse?
If you are shipping your order to the same country as the warehouse, shipping will likely be free.If your order is being sent to a different country shipping fees will apply. However, for many products less than 2kg global shipping is free. 
About the Payment
We can't guarantee you won't be charged a fee when placing an order with us. However, we have found that customers who shop with us in their own local currency are less likely to be charged bank fees.

We are always looking for new ways to improve our existing payment methods, as well as searching for new ones, to help our customers save money.
What payment methods do you accept?
American Express

Does thetopamark charge customs fees?
For items shipped from our local warehouses, we will not charge any customs fees.
When will I receive my item and how can I track delivery?
Once your order details are confirmed, your item will be carefully prepared and dispatched within 1-5 business days. Depending on your location and the delivery options selected, items will normally arrive between 2-7 business days after being dispatched. For the actual handling and transit time, please refer to the delivery estimates on the product detail page.
Will my personal details be kept safe?
We keep your personal data private and confidential, and will only disclose it with your consent, or if we're legally permitted to. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.